Listen to Three New Stories on The Other Stories and an Audio Play on Miscreation Podcast

Things We Say on Miscreation Podcast

It’s been three months since I last shared story news with you good people and I’m delighted to say that I’ve sold a number of stories in that time, mostly to Hawk & Cleaver’s The Other Stories Podcast. Here’s what I’ve sold and where you can listen to each.

Off Track

Kenichi just wants to kick-back and enjoy a teriyaki burger after a long day at work, but his plans are derailed, and home is the last place he should be.

Listen to Off Track
Narrated by Ian McEuen.
(The Other Stories. 38.2. March 2019)

As It Was

When Dahlia announces she’s not going to the party, Harry is forced to deal with the consequences.

Listen to As It Was
Narrated by Persephone Rose
(The Other Stories. 39.1. April 2019)

Things We Say

This is a brand new audio play version exclusive to Miscreation Podcast. There’s also a quick interview with me post-story. Thank you again to Francesca Regis and Ed Heap for fantastic performances and of course to Josh Curran who made Miscreation a reality.

Listen to Things We Say (Audio Play) 
Performed by Ed Heap, Francesca Regis.
(Miscreation | An Anthology of Audio-Drama Horror. April 2019)

Should I Kill Myself or Have A Cup of Coffee?

On his thirtieth birthday, a man contemplates whether to kill himself or have a cup of coffee.

Listen to Should I Kill Myself or Have A Cup of Coffee?
(The Other Stories. 40.2. May 2019)

I’ve also just sold ‘Uxoricide 93%’ to The Other Stories for their forthcoming ‘genetics’ theme and last month sold ‘The Boy in the Penguin Costume’ for their ‘strange inheritance’ theme bringing my published stories for the year, including my novella, The Girl in the Video, to eight so just two off my goal for the year with six months to go. Not bad for my first full year as a parent.

Oh, and my wife, Joanna Baldwin, sold a story to The Other Stories, too. Check out ‘Routine’ by Joanna Baldwin. 

In other news, after my health scares a couple of months back I’m continuing to recover. I feel healthy and optimistic about the future—long may it continue.

Have a great day, friends!

‘Things We Say’ on The NoSleep Podcast, ‘Free Will’ on The Other Stories, 2019 Goals, and other news

NoSleep Podcast

Things We Say

In terms of writing, acceptances, and publications, 2019 has started wonderfully. My short story ‘Things We Say’ (originally published in Dark Moon Digest 30) was performed in audio on The NoSleep Podcast S12E10The NoSleep Podcast are probably my favourite audio podcast—the quality of productions, sound design, and voice actors really are at the top of their game. Speaking of which, the actors really did my story justice—it was a delight to hear Ian McQuown and Jordan Cobb play the roles of Jack and Bea so wonderfully. If you get the chance to work with either McQuown or Cobb you absolutely should. Thanks to Jeff Clement who produced the episode and the eerie score from Brandon Boone.

If you want to listen to ‘Things We Say’—and you absolutely should for the wonderful performances, production, and score—then you can pick up episode S12 E10 below for just $1.49. That will get you over two hours of audio stories, including ‘Bolts’ by John F.D. Taff.

But do also consider buying a season pass. The NoSleep Podcast are producing wonderful work and are one of the best audio podcasts out there.

Buy The NoSleep Podcast S12E10 includes ‘Things We Say’ 

Buy The NoSleep Podcast Season Pass 12 

Free Will by Michael David Wilson

Free Will

You may remember at the end of last year my story ‘Last Christmas’ aired on Hawk & Cleaver’s The Other Stories Podcast. Well, I’m delighted to share that ‘Free Will’ is now available on The Other Stories, too. It’s the second in their ‘haunted hotel’ series and was wonderfully narrated by Persephone Rose with music by Myuu and Thom J Robson.

Listen to ‘Free Will’ on The Other Stories 37.2

Other Sales & Miscreations

If you’re interested in my fiction (and if not, why have you got this far in a news piece about my fiction?) then you’ll want to subscribe to Hawk & Cleaver’s The Other Stories Podcast (honestly, you should subscribe to them anyway—they’re great) as my story ‘Off Track’ is part of season 38 ‘Folktales’. You can subscribe via Acast, iTunes, or wherever podcasts are found. Speaking of Acast, I’m off to their studio soon as part of a super secret podcast project. Stay tuned for more soon …

2019 Goals

This year has been a hectic one and I haven’t actually stated my 2019 goals yet, so why not go for it in March as is tradition … or something like that.

  1. To have at least ten stories published
  2. To reach 300 This Is Horror Podcast patrons
  3. To develop a daily meditation practice
  4. To surpass 30,000 This Is Horror Podcast monthly downloads
  5. To have a novel accepted for publication

How about you wonderful people? What are your goals for the year? How many stories have you had published and accepted this year? How are you feeling about 2019? Leave a comment or catch me on Twitter @WilsonTheWriter.